Surveys indicate a growing acceptance among a significant portion of GOP voters towards Trump's authoritarian language.

Donald Trump's repetition of rhetoric reminiscent of infamous fascists stems from his belief that it will aid in acquiring power—and polling data indicates his assumptions might be accurate.

Instead of using his social media presence on Veterans Day to honor military service, former President Donald Trump released a statement vowing to 'root out Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Thugs.' This rhetoric echoed historical figures like Hitler and Mussolini, yet Trump continued similar messaging at an event in New Hampshire.

Trump's use of language paralleling historical figures extends to statements about immigrants 'poisoning the blood of our country,' reminiscent of Adolf Hitler's phrasing in 'Mein Kampf.'

While shocking to witness parallels to 'Mein Kampf' in a likely presidential nominee, understanding Trump's motivations is crucial. This aligns with his overtly authoritarian platform and aspirations for a swift dictatorship. Equally significant is acknowledging the political impact: Trump employs fascist echoes with confidence, believing in its effectiveness.

A recent Des Moines Register/NBC News/Mediacom Iowa Poll reveals that a significant number of potential Iowa Republican caucus attendees don't take issue with several of Trump's recent controversial remarks. Surprisingly, many of them claim that these very statements are more likely to garner their support for the former president.

The survey results revealed that 42% of potential GOP caucus attendees are more inclined to support Trump due to his 'poisoning the blood' remarks, while 43% are swayed by his fascistic references to American 'vermin.' Similarly, a national Fox News poll posed a question about the need for a president willing to bend rules and laws to fix issues. Surprisingly, 30% of identified Trump supporters expressed support for a president operating outside established rules.

Rachel's recent segment shed light on the motivations of the GOP front-runner, which might provide additional context if you caught her A block from last night.

One would expect that highlighting Trump's echoes of Hitler would dissuade him, considering contemporary American political norms. However, this approach clearly hasn't deterred him: despite being informed that his rhetoric resembles that of infamous fascists, the former president persists in using those very words and phrases.

Historically, dictators and authoritarians have employed such rhetoric because of its perceived effectiveness. These words, though toxic and dehumanizing, unfortunately resonate far too well with their targeted audience.

Trump's use of divisive and offensive language might logically cease if it repelled GOP voters. Surprisingly, the former president refrains from even mentioning the word 'vaccine' aloud, fearing his own followers' boos.

However, as Republican politics veers toward radicalism, words like 'vermin' and 'poisoning the blood' aren't met with disapproval; instead, they're met with applause and demand for more.

Rachel's analysis sheds light on the concerning nature of this rhetoric. It's not just about highlighting its negative impact; it's about the underlying political strategy. This type of language aims to sow division, creating a belief that certain groups within the nation pose such grave threats that extreme measures, even a temporary dictatorship, become justified.

These statements aren't merely for shock value; they're strategic tools aimed at altering perceptions. They seek to erode faith in democratic institutions, advocating for a 'strongman' approach—favoring strength, action, and even potential violence over the rule of law, political processes, and checks and balances.

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