Texas Lt. Guv Threatens to Take Biden Off State’s Ballot After Colorado Ruling

During an interview with Fox News, Patrick suggested, 'Perhaps removing Joe Biden from the Texas ballot is necessary for permitting the crossing of 8 million individuals across the border.'

Republican Lieutenant Governor of Texas, Dan Patrick, made a Tuesday declaration threatening to exclude President Joe Biden from the state's ballot. This move seemed retaliatory following a Colorado Supreme Court decision that excluded former President Donald Trump from the state's 2024 presidential race due to involvement in the January 6 insurrection.

Patrick aired his statements on Fox News, citing Biden's border policies as justification for this possibly unprecedented action during an interview with host Laura Ingraham.

He mentioned that the sole deterrent was Texas's commitment to democracy.

Observing Colorado's events makes me ponder—yet in Texas, our commitment to democracy remains strong—perhaps we should exclude Joe Biden from our ballot due to the influx of eight million border crossings during his presidency, disrupting our state," Patrick remarked.

His statements surfaced shortly after the Colorado Supreme Court's decision to remove Trump from the 2024 presidential ballot over his involvement in the January 6 riot—a participation deemed an insurrection, rendering him ineligible for the presidency.

The court's ruling highlighted Trump's awareness of inciting the insurrection and deliberately allowing the unrest despite possessing the power to prevent it, either through his words or by calling in the military, confirming his tacit approval of the violence.

In response, Trump and his campaign swiftly announced intentions to appeal the decision.

"We are confident the U.S. Supreme Court will promptly rule in our favor, ultimately ending these un-American lawsuits," stated Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung."

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  1. Republicans act like toddlers. Really really dumb toddlers.
