Biden Campaign Criticizes Trump for Echoing Hitler in Recent Anti-Immigrant Speech

Ex-President Trump Revives Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric in Recent Rally Speech

Donald Trump, the former president, rekindles anti-immigrant sentiments during a recent campaign rally by targeting incoming individuals to the U.S. and accusing them of 'poisoning our nation's essence.' This rhetoric follows his past criticism of political adversaries as 'vermin' and his expressed intent to assume dictatorial powers 'on day one' of a new administration.

Former President Trump Echoes Authoritarian Figures in Anti-Immigrant Tirade
During a rally in Durham, New Hampshire, former President Donald Trump unleashed a tirade against immigrants, evoking comparisons to historical figures like Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini. He decried immigrants as a global threat, alleging they 'poison' institutions worldwide, referencing mental facilities and prisons.

In his address, Trump warned of an influx of immigrants from various continents, foreseeing alarming levels of crime and terrorism. He also took a swipe at President Joe Biden, citing Russian President Vladimir Putin's views on Biden's actions, asserting they showcased flaws in the American political system.

Notably, Trump praised authoritarian leaders like North Korea's Kim Jong Un and Hungary's Viktor Orbán, calling Kim 'very nice' and Orbán 'highly respected.' He even quoted Orbán's endorsement, claiming Trump as the savior of the Western world.

These remarks, resembling his prior assertions about assuming dictatorial powers, drew swift condemnation from a spokesperson representing Biden's re-election campaign. The spokesperson, Ammar Moussa, criticized Trump for emulating Hitler, lauding Kim Jong Un, and citing Putin, while campaigning on a platform advocating a dictatorship, labeling it a threat to American democracy.

Trump's Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric Draws Comparisons to Hitler's 'Mein Kampf'

Trump's recent use of the phrase 'poisoning the blood' has sparked comparisons to a phrase from Hitler's 'Mein Kampf,' as noted by MeidasTouch Network, a left-leaning news outlet. This parallels previous instances where Trump, in an interview with The National Pulse, made statements about immigrants bringing diseases and various issues into America.

Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League, condemned Trump's rhetoric, linking it to past mass shootings in Pittsburgh and El Paso, citing the 'toxic rhetoric' as a potential inspiration.

This rhetoric surfaces amidst reports from The New York Times suggesting Trump's alleged plans, if re-elected, to intensify immigration enforcement, including mass deportations and the construction of large detention camps for undocumented immigrants awaiting deportation.

Contributions to this story were made by HuffPost reporter Paige Skinner.

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