Republicans Threaten to Take Joe Biden Off Ballot in States They Control

Following a Colorado court's decision disallowing Donald Trump from appearing on the state's ballot next year, Republicans are urging for President Joe Biden's removal from state presidential ballots.

The Colorado Supreme Court's 4-3 ruling on Wednesday determined that the former president breached the 14th Amendment, which prohibits public officials from holding federal office if they partake in insurrection.

Previously, a lower court in Colorado had concurred with the plaintiffs, including Norma Anderson, a former Republican majority leader of the Colorado House and Senate. They alleged that Trump's involvement in the riot at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, amounted to insurrection. During the incident, Trump supporters breached the Capitol building in protest of his election defeat.

As the leading contender for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, Trump has consistently denied any wrongdoing and has not faced charges related to insurrection. He maintains that courts lack the jurisdiction to disqualify candidates from the ballot based on constitutional provisions.

Presently, certain Republicans have suggested the removal of Biden from state ballots, although the specific constitutional basis for this action remains unclear.

Anthony Sabatini, a Republican candidate for Congress in Florida's 11th district and former Florida state representative, posted on X, formerly known as Twitter: "Immediate removal of Biden from the Florida ballot!"

During an interview with Fox News, Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick proposed the removal of Biden from his state's 2024 ballot, citing concerns over the administration's handling of immigration issues at the U.S.-Mexico border.

Expressing his thoughts on the matter, Patrick stated, 'Observing the events in Colorado, it does make me contemplate—although we uphold democracy in Texas—perhaps considering the removal of Joe Biden from the Texas ballot due to the influx of eight million people crossing the border during his presidency, causing disruption in our state.'

Political commentator Gunther Eagleman shared on X a similar sentiment following the Colorado ruling, advocating for Biden's removal from the Texas ballot. Peachy Keenan, a conservative commentator and author, extended the argument on X by urging all red states to immediately petition their courts for Biden's removal from the ballot.

The Colorado Supreme Court's ruling stated: 'A majority of the court asserts that President Trump is ineligible to hold the position of President under Section Three of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.'

The statement declared, 'President Trump not only incited the insurrection but also persistently backed it as the Capitol siege unfolded, urging Vice President Pence to shirk his constitutional responsibility and contacting Senators to halt the electoral vote counting. These actions were a clear and deliberate engagement in the insurrection.'

In response to the ruling against Trump, Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung stated their intention to appeal the decision to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Regarding the Colorado Supreme Court's ruling, Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung criticized the decision, alleging bias due to the all-Democrat-appointed bench. Cheung claimed the ruling aligned with a leftist group backed by George Soros, accusing them of interfering in the election to favor Joe Biden by excluding President Trump from the ballot. He further asserted that the move compromised Colorado voters' rights to choose their preferred candidate.

Cheung continued, asserting that Democratic leaders were anxious about President Trump's growing lead in the polls. He suggested they lacked confidence in Biden's presidency and were resorting to efforts to prevent potential ousting in the upcoming elections.

In response to the Colorado Supreme Court's decision, Cheung vowed a swift appeal to the United States Supreme Court, labeling the ruling as flawed and undemocratic. The campaign expressed certainty in the U.S. Supreme Court's prompt resolution in their favor and anticipated an end to what they termed 'un-American lawsuits.'

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